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My research strives to advance the science and practice of cultivating nurturing communities for students in schools. 

My approach to research is interdisciplinary and is informed by tenets of school, community, and clinical psychology. My early work as a graduate student explored the ways in which adults can support healthy youth autonomous decision-making within the context of mentoring relationships and highlighted the importance of school psychologists in promoting supportive relationships following the COVID-19 pandemic. More recent experiences working within schools and other youth-serving institutions have led me to realize that, although the importance of supportive relationships is well understood, enhancing the capacity of schools to create nurturing environments will necessarily depend on intentional intervention and collaboration. I am also passionate about research that explores the impacts of community- and macrosystem-level factors on development and wellbeing. I have contributed to projects investigating how sociopolitical events influence young people’s wellbeing and civic engagement, as well as how teachers use evidence-based resources to discuss these events with students in the classroom. 

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  • Davis, A. L., & McQuillin, S. D. (2023). Exploring changes in the teacher-child relationship and children’s educational expectations. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 87, 101564. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2023.101564
  • Davis, A.L., & McQuillin, S.D., (2021). Supporting autonomy in youth mentoring relationships. Journal of Community Psychology. http://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22567
  • Samuels, J., Davis, A. L., & McQuillin, S. D. (2023). Assessing Longitudinal Impacts of Mentor Role on Youth Outcomes. Youth & Society, 55(5), 999–1025. https://doi.org/10.1177/0044118X231168439

Representative Publications:

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Other Publications: 

  • Kornbluh, M., Davis, A.L., Dunn, A.H., & Brezicha, K. (2023, April 13-16). Exploring the Role of Social Media as a Teaching Resource and Intermediary in the Wake of Political Trauma. To be presented at the American Educational Research Association 2023 Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
  • Simpson, S.B., Davis, A.L., Dow, B.R., & McQuillin, S.D. (2023, March 23-25). Childhood Abuse, Life Satisfaction, Depression, and Natural Mentors: Findings from Add Health. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development 2023 Biennial Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. 
  • Simpson, S. B., Davis, A. L., & McQuillin, S. (2023, January 25-27). Just-in-time training for mentors: Considerations and recommendations. Presented at the National Mentoring Summit. Washington, DC. 
  • Davis, A.L. & Lanza-Gregory, J. (2022, August 4-6). Teacher-Student Relationships and Students’ Educational Expectations. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN.

Representative Presentations:

Tindall Award for Dissertation Research Excellence May 2023
University of South Carolina Department of Psychology, $1,000 Columbia, SC
SPARC Graduate Research Grant January 2023
University of South Carolina Office of Research, $4,919 Columbia, SC

APA Division 16 Student Poster Awards Grand Prize Winner August 2022
American Psychological Association Division 16 Minneapolis, MN

Provost Thesis Award December 2022
University of South Carolina Graduate School, $250 Columbia, SC

Honors, Awards, and Funding

Media Features

  • Ervin, A. (2022, July 15). Supporting autonomy in youth mentoring relationships: A Q&A with Amanda Davis & Dr. Samuel McQuillin. The Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring. 

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